The Tanzania Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG)

The Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG) works to strengthen the adherence to good governance and the observation of human rights by both the state and citizens in Tanzania. The Commission was established in 2001 and serves the dual role of a human rights commission and an ombudsman for the promotion and protection of human rights.

CHRAGG has deployed a Short Messaging Services (SMS) platform enabling citizens to use their mobile phones to lodge human rights violations and complaints in a manner which is quicker, more accessible and increasingly cheaper than utilising postal services or physically visiting CHRAGG offices.

With a specific focus on youth, women and minority groups, CHRAGG works with a network of local civil society organisations (CSOs) and learning institutions to conduct public awareness campaigns that advocate for human rights and the reporting of violations through the toll free SMS service. Campaigns have resulted into increased awareness of human rights in the country and encouraged citizens to use their mobile phones to take a stand for their rights.



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