On 30th September 2014, members of Kicwamba Forum for Development and Service Delivery organized an accountability meeting in Kicwamba Sub County, Kabarole District. The meeting was attended by different local leaders both at the district and sub county level, who were able to give accountability to their local citizens. The leaders included the area councilor Hon Twesige Clovis, the LC III Chairperson Hon Businge Charles, the CDO (Community Development Officer) Kicwamba Sub County Mr. Kahingwa Stephen, the LCI Chairperson Hon Kalenzi, among others.

Participants during the accountability meeting
During the meeting, the Chairperson LC III Hon Businge Charles highlighted the achievements that he has brought to Kicwamba Sub County. “During my term of office, me and my fellow leaders have lobbied electricity from the central government through areas of Kirangara to Kyakagusa, given out thirty five million from Community Demand Driven funds to different community groups, initiated new tax collections to supplement on the budgets for roads rehabilitation, made innovations to improve on the water system, among others”.
The area councilor Hon Twesige Clovis also indicated the challenges that they are meeting as leaders in delivering better services. “As the Sub County Executive of Kicwamba Sub County, we are facing a challenge of road maintenance due to the insufficient funds from the government. We are also facing a challenge of parents who are not willing to support their children’s education and want to leave the whole task to the government. I therefore appeal to such parents to change their attitude so that we can work together to improve our children’s education”.
Meanwhile, the Community Development Officer Mr. Kahingwa Steven thanked the rural monitors for organizing the accountability meeting. “I thank members of Kicwamba Forum for Development and Service Delivery for mobilizing the community to demand accountability from us leaders. As a leader, I have mobilized and supported different youth’s groups. However, I face a challenge of low turn up whenever I call youths for meetings, yet we have a lot of youths in Kicwamba Sub County who are idle”.
The accountability meetings are supported by NED, SPIDER/Stockholm University and SIDA/CIPESA on a project aimed at using both physical and online platforms like accountability meetings, radio and social media to improve the participation of marginalized population groups of rural youth and women in governance in the Rwenzori Region, Western Uganda.