On 14th/ Feb 2015 representatives from Land Department Kabarole District were hosted live on Hits Fm to comment, discuss and share issues related to land , the Panelists included Kugonza Simon Peter Surveyor officer and Mr Alinda Peter Senior land managing Officer both from Kabarole District. some of the key issues they discussed included during the live talkshow included: Do you think Ugandan know the right processes of acquiring and buying a land in Uganda? Do you know why and when you should survey your land? Do you know the land title deeds in Uganda?etc
Category: News
ToroDev M&E Team Continues Encouraging and Engaging Leaders of the 15 Advocacy Forums
Some of the leaders of advocacy forums
The 15 advocacy forums have been formed by the 120 rural monitors trained by ToroDev in online advocacy, monitoring service delivery using online social media/ICT tools like Ushahidi platform for online documentation, visualization and mapping. The Advocacy Forums also use FM Radio Broadcasting as an ICT tool for “convergence or hub” since it is the most accessed media channel in the rural areas of the Rwenzori Region.
“During the physical and Skype meetings and discussions ToroDev M&E team encourages the leaders of the 15 advocacy forums to embark on advocacy activities-monitoring service delivery, demanding accountability from local leaders and ensuring the participation of the marginalized groups such as women and youth. The team also tasks forum members to implement ratio of 40% as women, 40% youth and 20% adults in our forum memberships and additional information on social accountability” Said Amanya Sheila M&E officer ToroDev.
Sheila adds that as a team we encourage and support citizen-citizen engagements/deliberations to assess priority service delivery and public accountability advocacy at sub-county levels in 7 district of Rwenzori regions, through the existing 15 Advocacy Forums and also through daily facebook discussion with Forums that have computers connected with Internet and monthly phone calls the team tries to verify whether the 15 forums are still active in monitoring services and advocating for better services, whether they conduct monthly accountability meetings, whether they invite leaders for accountability meetings, whether youths and women attend their meeting ( and the number of youth and women), whether they discuss issues related to public accountability etc.
“We are always checked through phone- calls at-least twice a month by the team from ToroDev encouraging the leaders of the forums to continue using both physical meetings and ICT tools to advocate for improved service delivery and share the issues with the team both online and write a report which is submitted at ToroDev Offices every month, this has kept us active in doing our work”. Said Muhindo Ezra,the leader of Katebwa Advocacy Forum, Kabarole District.
“As members of the advocacy forums we are always encouraged by ToroDev through phone calls, Skype, Face book discussions and physical meeting to keep using online/virtual platform for documentation and advocacy on people’s demands for improved service delivery in the seven districts of the Rwenzori region and participate on the Radio talk shows”. Said Rwaheru Gilbert the leader of Kichwamba people’and development Forum Kabarole District.
As way of motivating, encouraging, strengthening and empowering the Advocacy forums and rural monitors, ToroDev’ M&E team attends the monthly meetings organized by the advocacy forums at the sub-county level, also twice in a month the leaders of the forums are given a call t to check on the progress of their work, holds Skype meetings with leaders who were given Laptops, this is done to assess the strengths, performance and weakness of the rural advocacy forums and rural monitors.
Local Citizens Comment on the State of Service Delivery in the Rwenzori Region
Leaders of Katooke people’ forum Mr. Muzoora Godwin and Mr. Tugume Josephand also the Leader of PRIFODE Mr. Mukwano Ssenyojo of Mugusu Sub county appeared live on Better FM for radio discussion on Sunday, 15th February 2015 and discussed a topic “Are Ugandans in the Rwenzori Region enjoying better services? If no Why“
“Mwenge north is one of the county that has not benefited from the Leaders we voted to go and represent us at the parliament and district level, for example in Katooke town council we have tractors to collect garbage, but they are just packed and garbage is everywhere in the whole town council, secondly people of Kahanda, Bufunjo, Kiswange and other villages are crying of lack of clean water, Katooke Health Center 111 does not have enough drugs and most patients now are only given Paracetamol. We are suffering in terms of having unimproved services because leaders during campaigns confuse and lie to voters promising them to provide services but they don’t provide any as soon as they win the votes, voters are always forgotten.” Said Tugume Joseph From Katooke sub-county Kyenjojo district during the Listeners forum talkshow live on Better FM.
Politicians Investing Money to Win Elections

The panelists during the radio talkshow.
On 8th February 2015, Mr. Muntu K Willy district speaker from Ntoroko district and Mr Mwanguhya Kenneth a responsible citizen from HakibaleCommitted Citizen for Better service, Kabarole district were among the panelists who appeared on better FM to discuss the issue of politicians buying people’ votes during the campaigns to win elections.
“Politicians who bribe people with money during campaigns fall in this say “USING MONEY TO GET MORE MONEY”. They think that if they are elected they will in 5 years of being in power will be able to harvest more money to pay back the money spent buying people’ votes such politicians don’t provide any improved services to people we need to learn a lesson from what we have seen so far “. Said Muntu Willy from Ntoroko district.
People’s Rights and Forum for Development Receive and an Out-cry from Local Citizens about Insecurity in Mugusu Sub- County
Some of the members of People’ Rights and forum for development
Members of People’ Rights and forum for development Kabarole District have received and out cry from the local citizens about the issue of insecurity in the sub county of Mugusu Kabarole District .
“We have received many business people complaining being stolen and robbed of their goods from their shops at night, and Local citizens who reported the case at Mugusu police station took a step and asked the police officers whether they are always on night duty when ever their shops are broken and goods robbed , local citizens wondered if the police officers have a hand in doing this but as a forum we are now working closely with the police investing the issue and soon we shall find out who does this.” Said Mr Mukwano Ssenyonjo leader of the Forum.
Financial Expert advises Parents to Teach their Young Ones to Save

Bank of Uganda Headquarters which regulates financial sector
A financial literacy expert from Mountains of the Moon University, Revocate Abwoli Keneema has advised parents to teach their young ones to save so that they can effectively plan for their future, “parents should teach their young ones how to save for instance using piggy banks and every person can save, young or old, rich or poor. You can never say that you have no money” Said Revocate while appearing on the ToroDev supported live radio discussion on Better FM called Listeners Forum on Sunday, 25th January 2014.
Citizens’ Use of ICTs in Social Accountability in Uganda’s Kasese District
By Ashnah Kalemera
The eSociety Resource Centre Kasese is a community centre hosted by the Kasese district local government in Western Uganda. It acts as a one stop point for local government officials and community members to access various Information Communication and Technology (ICT) tools and services. The centre provides ICT training programmes, hosts an information library, runs an onlinediscussion group, maintains a news blog and social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube). These are all aimed at enhancing citizens’ competence in monitoring government services, promoting accountability, civic participation and good governance in Kasese District.
Local Citizens Request for Improvement of Priority Service Delivery
Local citizens have requested their leaders to first focus on priority service delivery to enable their electorates benefit from their leadership, “we need our leaders to first focus on key service delivery areas like roads, health and schools because in many of our areas like Buheesi [Buheesi Sub County is located in Kabarole District] service delivery is poor therefore our leaders haven’t performed to their expectations” Said Asaba Charles, a local citizen from Buheesi Sub County, Kabarole Ditrict while participating on the listeners forum live radio discussion on Better FM on Saturday, 11th January 2015.
Understanding the Role of MPs in Uganda
The Kabarole district councilor Hon. Paul Katisa while appearing on the orukurato live radio discussion indicated that the main role of a Member of Parliament is to represent people in the parliament, present their problems, issues, plans and ideas, lobby for the people to have improved service delivery and follow up the Government plans among other roles.
Local Citizens Request for Improved Service Delivery from their Leaders
Local citizens from Hakibaale Sub County, Kabarole District have appealed to their leaders to effectively lobby and plan for improved service delivery to enable the electorates gain from their leadership, “my MP should have lobbied for better roads, effective health service delivery, better performance of the education sector for instance in Kahangi, our schools are performing poorly because our MPs are busy passing useless laws like the Public Order & Management Bill. Our MPs are also spending our tax payers money taking drinks and having good meals in Kyankwazi.” Said Mwanguhya Kenneth while appearing on the listener’s forum on 4th January, 2014 at Better FM.